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The Land Conservancy for Southern Chester County (TLC) is devoted to preserving open space, natural resources, and agricultural land. TLC strives to deliver meaningful, hands-on environmental science through classrooms, organizations, and experiential learning experiences at our preserves. We work with classrooms in PA, MD, DE, and VA. 


In 2019, TLC launched its LEAF (Land Ecosystems and Food) program, previously known as Food is Medicine. This program bridges the gap between environmental science and healthy dietary choices. Within the program, students are able to experiment and learn about soil health, water quality, natural habitat, seed and plant growth, and much more! Lessons are uniquely designed for each grade and offer different activities to support students' growth. The design and development allows for students to experience something new every year.


Each lesson is aligned with each state's science standards, which makes it accessible and perfect for supplementing each teachers' curriculum!

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Join us after school for LEAF Environmental Club 

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